

(Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing)

VSB Counseling specializes in EMDR Therapy for the following:

  • Attachment wounds
  • Developmental trauma
  • Childhood neglect/abuse
  • PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)  is a form of therapy that has been proven to help people heal from trauma or other distressing life experiences. EMDR therapy has been extensively researched and has demonstrated effectiveness for trauma and other conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, depression and panic disorders.  

Our brains have a natural way to recover and heal from traumatic memories and events, but sometimes these memories aren’t processed well and get a bit “stuck.”  When distress from a disturbing event remains, the upsetting images, thoughts, and emotions may create overwhelming feelings.  Or the feelings of being back in the past event can manifest in different ways: depression, isolation, anger, irritation, worry, guilt, shame, and even feeling on edge as though the danger is present when logically we know we are safe.  EMDR therapy helps the brain reprocess these memories and allows normal healing to resume.  It also helps clear out limiting beliefs we have about ourselves (patterns from trauma, childhood) to enhance our ability to access our innate resources and resilience.

EMDR therapy doesn’t require you to talk about traumatic memories or distressing events.  EMDR processing helps you break through the emotional blocks that are keeping you from living an adaptive, emotionally healthy life. EMDR uses rapid sets of eye movements (or alternate tapping, butterfly hug, etc.) to help you update disturbing experiences which helps you reprocess traumatic memories to allow natural healing to occur. 

Yes! EMDR can effectively be delivered through telehealth. I use a HIPAA compliant BLS (Bilateral Stimulation) platform and video platform to conduct EMDR sessions. 

It depends on what you are currently working on.  My goal is to help you reach your goals as efficiently, safely and effectively as possible. Decisions about your treatment will be made jointly, depending on your needs.

I also provide traditional psychotherapy (non-EMDR) upon request.